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Maintain an environment that promotes "RESPECT" for self, team building, competitiveness, adversity and success. Build a culture that commands confident self presence and team tradition. EnFuego commands all aspects of "RESPECT".

Front Page
U15 Japan National Team at Mid Pacific High School


Build character through skill development and accountability on and off the field
Self Presence - Confidence - Mental Work Ethic - "sense of urgency “

Team Building - Chemistry Physical Skills Intangibles Ability to perform the little
things that add up to success
Mentally knowing the situation (anticipate) before it happens
Build an understanding of what opportunities exist through baseball, college and financial
Expose our student athletes to college programs
Clearinghouse Financial Aid Scholarship - Athletic and Academic To provide outline to help family make a quality decision


E_Elite Logo
EnFuego Elite Sports drink

Jorge Reyes Oregon State University New York Mets

Travis Lee San Diego State Cleveland Indians

Matt Mangini Oklahoma State University Seattle Mariners

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